Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Travel Zen........

One of the things I enjoy most about my job as a Guitar Tech and Tour Manager is the travel - I am an airport junkie...... I admit it. I am the weird one I guess. Because I get there early – and I mean 2-3 hours early. I don’t mind security. I don’t mind the lines. I enjoy layovers. I don’t mind the people that are all hustling to get to wherever it is they are going to go even if they are new at it. In fact I find them all rather interesting. There is a zen thing that I try to get into starting at home. I leave VERY early. I breathe at the check-in counter and try to find some balance. I mantra this – “Move slowly and with purpose. Never hurry”. Going through TSA I have a game that I like to play – it’s called “Make the TSA Guard Smile”. Not laugh…. Just smile. It makes me feel somewhat subversive in a Ghandiesque sort of way. I have a rehearsed method of taking things in and out of my bags knowing full well what TSA will find that they have to have a “second look” at and expecting it to happen. I can put my shoes and all clothing back on in the time they look…. I like to find a place to wait that is across from my gate – generally an empty waiting area where I can observe my fellow passengers from afar and always find some amusement with the latest fashion trends that people are wearing…. Especially in LAX! Living in a beach town and being 50 yrs old I am definitely UNDER fashion minded, so the latest super tight Men’s T-shirts, Woman’s leggings, Hipster Hats and tats are always a source of wonderment and amusement! It must be hard to be that hip all the time….  Also, It usually happens (no matter where in the world I am) that I run into another fellow “Road Dawg”. It’s always the same conversation – Where you goin’? Who ya with? Great to see you! Travel Safe! – but there is a certain comfort when you run into someone you lived on a tour bus with for 3 months and then haven’t seen in 5 years that makes you feel part of a larger family of road warriors. It is always good to see Crew and Musicians in the airport - always. Getting on the plane I usually find myself standing next to someone who is thinking the same thing – almost never fails – and I always say with an air of knowing…. “Everyone rushing to get in the little metal tube. We’ll all get there at the same time”. Every time I have received a smile and a nod or the start of a nice chat with someone new. Usually it's a veteran traveler that has some great tips of their own personal do’s and don’ts of daily travel. 
Probably my only travel superstition is this - I ALWAYS stop at the entrance to the aircraft and knock firmly 3 times on the fuselage before stepping over the threshold and into the plane. Yes... I have received some looks and comments from flight personnel and the person in line behind me but I don't care.  Don’t know where this started – I just do it. It’s like my own “permission to come aboard” ritual. I ALWAYS smile at the flight attendant and ask them how they are and tell them my name. I usually get extra peanuts that way - WooHoo!
But, of all the things I enjoy most about traveling – especially on the international flights is this – solitude. It is a time in your life where all you can do is sit…. Sometimes for 18 hours. No wi-fi (yet), E mails, phone calls, etc. Just some vacant hours to sit and write, listen to all the new music that I never have time to listen to or (God forbid) watch the latest Jennifer Aniston and/or Adam Sandler movie. C’mon…. EVERY flight you take has one of their movies and if not them, it’s Matthew McConaughey and/or Kate Hudson doing their latest romantic nonsense. I have also recently started a photographic essay on shots from the window of the aircraft.... as seen above! It is this time on flights that I find I can really think about nothing. Zero. Right down to my own life being out of my own hands speeding through the sky at 38,000ft and 600mph. I have zero control. I must surrender. I have learned to think about nothing during this time and it is like a drug. Sleeping is even different. It is the complete opposite of suspended animation. Sleep without sleeping. Total awareness while sleeping…. Kinda TM actually but without the rest, quiet, or relaxation…..
All in all, I am always excited when I fly. I love the fact that this huge chunk of metal can even get off the ground and the fascination of it will never leave me. One of these days I’ll actually use all those frequent flyer miles. If I’m ever home long enough to plan a vacation – away from Santa Barbara….. right.
Have fun and travel safe!!  Moo


  1. I found your attitude towards travel very similar to my own. I get huge anxiety half an hour before i leave my home, once i'm "on the road" i feel relaxed, in tune with everything. 3 hour stop at some air/railway station, please, give it. A backseat rider in
    my own journey.. I think that it is the "gypsy" code in our DNA. Not that i'm not completely content of staying in on one location, it's the middle part of it, not staying nor moving is what bothers me.

  2. CreamK - I know EXACTLY how you feel! Thanks for stopping by!

